Product Info

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LalBrew Diamond is a true lager strain from the Group II (Frohberg) lineage selected from the Flavor and Aroma Doemens Academy Culture Collection in Germany. LalBrew Diamond is a traditional lager strain that produces clean beers with authentic lager character. Traditional styles brewed with the LalBrew Diamond include but are not limited to munich helles, dortmunder export, German Pilsner, Bohemian Pilsner, American Pilsner, vienna lager, oktoberfest/marzen, dark American lager, munich dunkel, schwarzbier, traditional bock, doppelbock, eisbock and California common.

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Yeast Strain: Saccharomyces pastorianus

Dry pitching is the preferred method of inoculating wort. This method is simpler than rehydration and will give more consistent fermentation performance and reduce the risk of contamination. Simply sprinkle the yeast evenly on the surface of the wort in the fermenter as it is being filled. The motion of the wort filling the fermenter will aid in mixing the yeast into the wort.

Brewing Properties:

  • Aroma: Neutral
  • Fermentation Temperature: 50-59°F
  • Apparent Attenuation: 77-83%
  • Flocculation: HIGH
  • Alcohol Tolerance: 13%

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Yeast Strain: Saccharomyces pastorianus

Dry pitching is the preferred method of inoculating wort. This method is simpler than rehydration and will give more consistent fermentation performance and reduce the risk of contamination. Simply sprinkle the yeast evenly on the surface of the wort in the fermenter as it is being filled. The motion of the wort filling the fermenter will aid in mixing the yeast into the wort.

Brewing Properties:

  • Aroma: Neutral
  • Fermentation Temperature: 50-59°F
  • Apparent Attenuation: 77-83%
  • Flocculation: HIGH
  • Alcohol Tolerance: 13%


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