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Fruity driven strain gives a high mouthfeel and body to the beer. Ideal for Belgian Ales (Blond, Dubbel, Tripel, Quadrupel Styles) and strong English ales (ex. Imperial Stouts). It is also ideal for New England IPA’s. Yeast with a medium sedimentation: forms no clumps but a powdery haze when resuspended in the beer.

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Yeast Strain: Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Fermentis dry brewing yeasts are well known for their ability to produce a large variety of beer styles.In order to compare our strains, we ran fermentation trials in laboratory conditions with a standard wort for all the strains and standard temperature conditions. We focused on the following parameters: Alcohol production, residual sugars, flocculation and fermentation kinetic.

Brewing Properties:

  • Fermentation Temperature: 59-68°F
  • Total Esters: MEDIUM
  • Apparent Attenuation: 68-72%
  • Sedimentation: MEDIUM

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Yeast Strain: Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Fermentis dry brewing yeasts are well known for their ability to produce a large variety of beer styles.In order to compare our strains, we ran fermentation trials in laboratory conditions with a standard wort for all the strains and standard temperature conditions. We focused on the following parameters: Alcohol production, residual sugars, flocculation and fermentation kinetic.

Brewing Properties:

  • Fermentation Temperature: 59-68°F
  • Total Esters: MEDIUM
  • Apparent Attenuation: 68-72%
  • Sedimentation: MEDIUM


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